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How to use FOLDER

  • Admin
    Saturday, March 10, 2018, 12:46 PM

    Introduction to FOLDER

    FOLDER : web browser app that keeps messages well-ordered and searchable.


    MESSAGEs are stored hierarchically in message trees. Every tree has starting TOPIC, outlining the exact subject and stating topic's main idea, description or question. Topics are stored in the FOLDERs, belonging to folder owner (moderator). Typically, folder sets a general theme.

    Click/tap to headline unfolds and folds back the message.
    Click/tap to "_NN replies_" unfolds comments tree.
    Click/tap to tree navigation line folds the tree.
    Click/tap to [_Link_] button in the message re-opens it on direct link, with messages tree folded in the most compact manner.

    To scan messages chronologically, use [_prev_/_next_ by time ] links in the message.

    [_Last_] link in the topic drives to the most recent message added.


    Any message has the direct link (URL). You can share any message using email/messenger/social buttons at the message bottom.


    [Follow] button allows logged-in users to have the list of the followed folders and topics and get e-mail notifications as messages added.
    [Followed] icon at the top retrieves personal list of followed topics, including topics with "by-link" access, which cannot be found through navigation.


    All messages are public. Some are indexed by search engines. You can't create the message with restricted access.

    [_Reply_] button in the opened message creates comment, connected to this message.
    [_Write_] button at the top creates new topic in the current Folder.
    Both topic and comment are suitable for any size of content - from short comment to long read article.
    Both topic and any comment has it's own URL and can be addressed directly.

    Messages can be edited in HTML mode to make any formatting. Messages can embed images, videos, audios, maps. Try to put the link to external media - many types of content will be embedded automatically. Scripts and other dangerous injects will be programmatically removed.

    Please note post-moderation policy - Folder owner can any time delete or edit your message, guided by just his feeling of your content conformity with Folder's subject or ethical considerations. It is recommended to have an outside copy of sufficient content. No liabilities provided for keeping your content untouched.

    Your Folder.

    Use [Create Folder] button at the homepage to create FOLDER, being folder's owner and moderator. Create Folder name, best describing Folder's theme and add some "branding" word(s) thus differing from other resources across the web.

    Optionally, create memorable URL. The best policy is to use your branding in the URL.

    Important: do not use registered brand names in Folder's URL. Brand owners can claim its usage, forcing us to change Folder's URL. If URL changed, all external links and current incoming traffic to your content will be dropped for monthes or even longer.
