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UI/UX + frontend development (eng)

  • Alex P
    Monday, February 18, 2019, 11:18 AM

    Is it the right time to start with Grid CSS in Feb 2019..

    Grid is powerfull, makes layouts clear (less <div> wrappers, no <div>'s for rows) and lower dependency between backend and frontend, dramatically accelarates development, and is supported by modern browsers for two years (for my web-sites - by browsers of 94% of visitors).

    The main concern is - what is going on in the browsers of the rest 6% of users with legacy OS/browsers.

    As 55% to 75% of users approach with mobile devices, I use "mobile first" design with simple one column layout, so it is not dependent whether Grid CSS is supported in the browser or not. For the rest 2% - 3% of users the following considerations applied:

    Grid “fallbacks” and overrides
    • Float and clear have no effect on a grid item
    • Items set to inline-block become grid items
    • Items set to display: table-cell will not generate anonymous boxes
    • vertical-align has no effect on a grid item
    • the column-* properties in the Multi-column Layout module have no effect on a grid container.
    • Flex items become grid items - and box alignment properties still apply
    • A width applied in the fallback layout may have unintended consequences.

    Using Feature Queries in CSS:…

    There’s a tool in CSS that you might not have heard of yet. It’s powerful. It’s been there for a while. And it’ll likely become one of your favorite new things about CSS.

    Behold, the @supports rule. Also known as Feature Queries.

    With @supports, you can write a small test in your CSS to see whether or not a particular “feature” (CSS property or value) is supported, and apply a block of code (or not) based on the answer. Like this:

    @supports (display: grid) { // code that will only run if CSS Grid is supported by the browser }

